Technical Experience and Opposite Directions

Starting out in the computer industry, especially when I became a full-fledged software engineer at Digital Equipment Corporation in June 1985, meant doing lots of work. In software development, that meant writing a lot of program code, technical documentation, and tests. I was getting experience, doing the work I loved to do. That did not change too much over the next eighteen years, except the projects became more complicated, and responsibilities increased. But, I still got to write software.

Now, my technical experience is taking me a way from the technical tasks I enjoy. I review RFIs (Request for Information) and RFPs (Request for Proposal), a couple of tools municipalities use to go eventually out to bid for a product or service, and I had better be good at it, or my lack of reviewing will either scuttle or hamper the project. Even worse, not reviewing well won’t scuttle or hamper the project but scuttle me instead.

But I find it very curious that the more technical we become and the more experience we acquire, the less time we spend doing the tasks that got us there in the first place.